My Music Magazine Pitch: Introducing Wilderness
In class we had the task of presenting a pitch for our music magazine. The slides below is my presentation which I will explain more about below.
Target Audience Profile
On this slide I have explained main points about my target audience. The top image is interactive, and when clicked on a video opens in another tab. I added this because I found it interesting how my target audience is perceived by others. I chose both genders because I do not want my music magazine to be gender specific, and he age group I have chosen is 16-22 because I believe at this age people have developed good self awareness about who they are.
Inspiration and Genre Research
The mood board is taken from my previous blog post 'Target Audience Profile' which explains more about my target audience. My research showed that there is a link between lifestyle and fashion with indie-rock music so I will incorporate this into my magazine. Also, as my target audience likes things which are new and unusual, I will find new techniques and ways to make my cover seem unusual too.
This is the definition of 'Wilderness'. I chose this word because it was slightly unconventional. As people who listen to indie-rock like live music I thought this was a good name because it represents my magazine as being a way to relax and step away from reality into a music world.
Masthead Ideas
Here are some of the choices for my masthead. When I presented, most people suggested that I use what was used for my definition, so I will create a questionnaire to find out which masthead suits my magazine best.
Design Choices
My house style will be 'modern classic' which is clean cut and quite neat. As most readers are graphic designers and creative, it's important that my magazine looks professional.
'Song club' is a play on book club. Instead of exchanging books, readers can exchange songs and music recommendations. From my research I found that most people want to be able to find new music based on what they enjoy already, so 'song club' fills the gap and allows readers to connect.
Main Article Ideas
For my magazine cover I will base this around the song 'Free The Animal' by Sia.
Possible Photo Shoot Ideas
I completed a survey for my front cover image and the pink post it note of a person with a tiger head (I will either buy a tiger head or photo shop it on) had the most votes.
Possible Photo Shoot Ideas
I completed a survey for my front cover image and the pink post it note of a person with a tiger head (I will either buy a tiger head or photo shop it on) had the most votes.
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