Monday, 16 February 2015

Double page spread analysis

Double page spread analysis:

I chose the following double page spreads ideas to analyse because they focus on different target audiences and the use of images is quite interesting. 

This Florence + The Machine feature has a nice layout of a main image on one side and the combination of texts is a good way of making the white background seem more interesting. In my magazine I'd like to use different fonts, and this would help to match my front cover sell lines. 

This Lana Del Rey double page spread feature is good at using the space in a more organised way. I like the minimal use of colours (primary tones) but in different shades and the way the article is on one page so the image is not as distracting as the Florence + The Machine image above. 


The My Chemical Romance article seems a lot smaller on the 
page than the others but the size of the text and the bar on the side fills the page better than the others in my opinion. Again there are only few colours used and this is good at stopping the reader from being distracted, also it fits the theme of rock music as these are colours often associated with it. The smaller images of the band is a nice feature because it uses the space more efficiently. 

Overall, for my magazine I will use black and white to fit the indie rock theme. i  will try to use one main image but might add some more to use the space better and I will combine fonts to make it look better.  

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