Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Adding Another Sell Line

I decided to add another sell line '20 free tickets' to the cover because I felt like 'Sound of 2015' did not stand out enough by itself. 
I used mixed fonts to differentiate between each line. This helps me to establish a house style which I can use for my other pages.
The rulers helped to ensure that the text was neat and there was the same difference between 'Thane' and 'Hozier'. 

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Creating Wilderness

The font I used is 'Muro' from I chose this font because it was most similar to my original design. I used the 'wide screen' effect because this allows me to put the date on the bottom right where it will look more organised. 

I used rulers to ensure my text would look neat. As 'Wilderness' was split, this meant that 'wil-der-ness' would look asymmetrical because of the four letters in 'ness' opposed to three in the others. To balance this I added 'combining music and lifestyle' in the same font below to help to create more symmetry. 
I used masks for circles and adjusted the 'feather' level which allowed me to achieve a spotlight effect. 

I added the text for my cover line in one of the circles and moved it to the center. I also changed the image to black and white to see if it would look better. 
The lines/box was another idea but the text did not stand out as much so I used the original spotlight design. 
Colour looked better and so did the original positions, so I changed it back and used multiple fonts which reflects what is used for most indie cafes.