Saturday 25 April 2015

Final pages

These are my final pages: Front cover, contents page and double page spread. 

Since my last post I have added another image (the last one) and added more features to the 'news & live section'. I also made the grey colour slightly darker by increasing the opacity. 

This is my final double page spread. I finished my article and changed the quote from being at the top of the page, to within the article. I also changed the font at the start of the quote 'D'. 

Cover, Contents and double page so far

This is my final magazine cover. I do not plan on changing anything about this as feedback so far has been positive. 
My contents page still needs another image and I need to give the 'musician' a name. The background seems a little too faded, so I might change the opacity and I also have to add a few more listings under 'news & live'. 
The double page spread is nearly finished, but I need to finish my article and make final changes to the design (such as add a pulled quote, and make the intro writing brighter).

Friday 24 April 2015

Creating my double page spread

I used the guides on photoshop to form a template for me to create my double page spread. I stuck with the 'wide screen' look and used black and white as a colour scheme to help it fit the indie rock theme. 

I added my images which I edited before adding them. I put only the image on the right but decided to add the smaller images to use the space better and make the page more interesting for my reader. The spaces is where my article will go.